

What would the ocean be without drops…?

It is essential to promote sustainable management, since everything we do has an impact on the planet.

Sustainability has become a philosophy for us and a way of life. In every process or daily decision, we tend to question ourselves if we can do it in a more sustainable way.

We know we can’t change the world on a large scale, but prioritizing respect and care for the environment is a responsible way of living towards Mother Earth.

We want Can Vital to be an example of sustainable management and hope it inspires you to move towards a more sustainable lifestyle. We want to raise awareness, both for ourselves and for everyone who passes through Can Vital, about the fact that we are all part of an ecosystem and that our actions matter, no matter how insignificant they may seem in the grand scheme of things.

What would the ocean be without drops…

How do we promote sustainable management? 

gestión sostenible
Renewable Energies

Solar Panels

The solar panels were installed in June 2022. Thanks to them, we have reduced our electricity consumption by 32%.

This photovoltaic installation has been made possible thanks to the financial support of the European Union under the Next Generation Program.

gestión sostenible
Renewable Energies


Since our inception, we have been using a biomass boiler to supplement the water supply, which is heated by burning briquettes.

The briquettes are made from the compounds of the shavings generated in the furniture manufacturing process of the company TENUEE.

gestión sostenible
Energy. low consumption.

LEDs & Automatic exterior lights

It is known that LED lights can help save up to 80-60% of energy consumption compared to other bulbs.

Additionally, motion sensors help avoid unnecessary energy expenditure, thus contributing to reducing consumption.

gestión sostenible

Forest Cleaning

Catalonia is a land of forests, with nearly 65% of its territory covered by woodlands. The resulting homogeneous and young forest mass creates conditions where fires can spread rapidly and intensely.

Our forest cleaning efforts have unveiled the ancient landscape of dry stone walls, small stone houses, and even some olive trees. Importantly, this work significantly reduces the risk of fire spreading.

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Sustainable Mobility

Electric Car

Having an electric car and a charger provides significant environmental benefits by reducing greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution. It also offers economic advantages, such as lower operating and maintenance costs compared to traditional gasoline vehicles. Additionally, electric cars contribute to energy independence by utilizing locally produced electricity. Convenient home charging stations enhance the overall user experience, making electric vehicle ownership more practical and efficient.

gestión sostenible


Can Vital has achieved for several years the Biosphere Certification, recognizing our dedication to sustainable and eco-friendly practices. Biosphere means we adhere to the highest standards in environmental responsibility, ensuring a minimal impact on our beautiful surroundings. By staying with us, you support responsible tourism and enjoy a greener, healthier environment. 

At FREDMEL HOLDING, S.L., we are always mindful of the importance of the Environment, both for society and for our activities. For this reason, in our commitment to reduce the environmental impact, an investment has been made through the the purchase of electric vehicles and the deployment of charging infrastructure for these vehicles.

This investment has been carried out thanks to the aid of the Program of Incentives for Efficient and Sustainable Mobility, MOVES III within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union – NextGeneartionEU

At FREDMEL HOLDING, S.L., we are always mindful of the importance of the Environment, both for society and for our activities. For this reason, in our commitment to reduce the environmental impact, an investment has been made through the installation of solar panels on the roof, which allows us to generate clean, renewable and sustainable energy.

FREDMEL HOLDING, S.L., has invested a total of €29,990.00, in 40 solar panels, with a unit power of 410 Wp, being the total installed power of 16.40 kWp and estimating an annual production of 20,697.79 kWh/ year.

This investment has been carried out thanks to the aid of the Program of incentives linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union – NextGeneartionEU, obtaining a grant of €5,969.60.

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